Sunday, August 12, 2012

I've never seen a child more interested in cleaning!!

First, the fine print:  I received a sample of this product to facilitate my review, but my opinions are entirely my own.

Now, on with the show...

First, my disgusting floor.

How nasty!!  We'd been gone for almost two weeks.
How on earth does a floor get that dirty with no one here?  Only the gremlins know.

You can see the paths that are typical of my kitchen.  Stove, counter, pantry, fridge, microwave counter, and the path to the bathroom.

Hey, this is pretty neat!

Not as bad as I thought it would be, Mom!

 I can see a floor under all that grime!

 Wow...look at the spot difference.

Top part was done (lightly) and bottom part was untouched (although swept). 

Whooo!  Look how CLEAN!!  
 Hoover Steam Mop.  A1 in my book!  

Saturday, January 14, 2012

You smoothie talker! Yoplait Frozen Smoothie Coupon

Go visit to download a printable *coupon for $1.00 off one package of Yoplait Frozen Smoothies. Be sure to try the newest flavor Chocolate Banana and remember to share the coupon offer with all your family and friends so they can take advantage of the discount as well!.**

*This coupon offer is not valid in the following states: including California, Idaho, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota and Tennessee.  

**I received this information and the coupon offer from Yoplait through MyBlogSpark.

Monday, October 17, 2011


I am not sure why, but MomCentral hasn't picked me for reviews lately.  Maybe I'm not one of the popular kids any more.  Maybe I'm just not in the right age bracket or something.  *shrug*

I miss doing the reviews.

Monday, June 20, 2011

First message boards, then Twitter and Facebook, and now...BNTER!

Bnter is a social network designed for capturing conversations, proves a modern way to save those precious moments and share them with family members, friends, and followers. Web- and app-based, can be accessed from your laptop, ipad, or smart phone. Simple to use, free and fun, offers an organized means of sharing those funny moments in a more visually appealing way than simply sharing them in your Facebook or Twitter stream. 

With ease of use, and quick sign up (and sharing), you can keep a sort of "online baby book" (if you're a parent) or other memories, quips, and conversations.  I consider it a happy medium between text and Facebook.  You can gather "friends."  The drawback that I saw was the inability to continue a conversation. 

So get on over there and banter about what you wish!  It's already all over the internet anyway...why not keep it some place the ol' brain won't forget?

Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of the Bnter Campaign and received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Changes to Children's Tylenol Products!

From the Tylenol site:
Enhanced Bottle

Infants’ TYLENOL® will include SIMPLEMEASURE®, a new, enhanced bottle with a protective opening and push-in syringe designed to:

*Provide even more accurate dosing and easier administration to infants
*Allow for better control when dispensing with fewer spills
*Further reduce the risk of children getting to the medicine in the bottle
*The new, enhanced bottle with protective opening will be coming to Children’s TYLENOL® products soon.

Dosage Change
Look for new dosing directions on Infants’ TYLENOL®.

To help minimize medication errors, Infants’ TYLENOL® will now have the same concentration of the active ingredient, acetaminophen, as Children’s TYLENOL®, which will standardize dosing across the products and age groups.

When Infants’ TYLENOL® returns to store shelves as early as this upcoming cold and flu season, the products will continue to include specially designed dosing devices appropriate to the age of the child.
As announced by the OTC trade organization, Consumer Healthcare Products Association, other manufacturers also intend to transition to the same single concentration (160 mg / 5 mL) for all single-ingredient OTC pediatric liquid acetaminophen products. This transition of other manufacturers’ infants’ products to the children’s concentration may begin as early as this summer and is anticipated to continue into 2012.

There may be a time period when more than one concentration of infants’ acetaminophen products will be available in stores, and parents and caregivers might have both in their medicine cabinets. Caregivers should always read and follow the dosing directions on the package they are using. Parents and caregivers should contact their child’s healthcare provider if they have questions about dosing instructions. For more information, please visit

Look for these changes to pediatric TYLENOL® products as early as this upcoming cold and flu season.

Personally I have always trusted Tylenol products when my kids were small...and it's great to know they are staying on top of safety features and making it easier for parents under stress to dose their children properly.  (Who ISN'T under stress when a kidlin is sick?)

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Tylenol and received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Crunchy snacks work wonders for Em, my Aspie kid who craves carbs.

"Popchips has created an innovative snack that delivers the crunch and the taste, but without all the calories and guilt of greasy potato chips. In fact, a single-serve bag of popchips containing nearly 20 crave-crushing chips is a mere 100 calories and 3.5 grams of fat. This means you get all the flavor and less than half the fat of regular fried chips. Made from all-natural ingredients, these treats are popped – not fried or baked - proving popchips a truly revolutionary snack and a worthy indulgence!"

Flavors range from salt & pepper and cheddar, to the more classic sea salt & vinegar, barbeque, original, sour cream & onion and many more. All the flavors were YUMMY!! And everything was such a light, yet fulfilling snack. Kasia loved the sea salt & vinegar and barbecue. Em loved the salt & pepper and sour cream & onion flavors. And I loved the original and cheddar ones!

Go“like” popchips on Facebook .

And I'll have a giveaway for a “Get Popped” box of popchips, just like I received. Post here and tell me your favorite crunchy snack and flavor that you like. AI will randomly choose a name and contact you so I can send in your info and you will receive your packet, too!

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of popchips and received a “Get Popped” box of popchips and a $30 gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

Friday, November 5, 2010

Sugar Rush!

Well, Halloween is over.  All the little spooks and goblins and rappers and *gasp* Hannah Montanas (EEEEK!!) are back home and probably still have bellyaches from all the candy they consumed since Halloween night.  

But aha - it's not just bellyaches that plague those tykes.  (Yeah, I'm so freakin' old, they're tykes and whippersnappers.)  Apparently there's statistics and you know, those statistics show kids miss 51 million school hours each year because of dental-related illness, and pediatric dental disease is the #1 chronic childhood illness. (Miss school due to dental illness?  Maybe just having to go to the dentist during school hours?  Who knows!) 

Now for the formal spiel: 

Anyway, Listerine and Reach created "October Oral Care Challenge" for kids 6 and older to take with their parents—a great tip to get kids to imitate good oral hygiene routines. To complete the challenge, kids and  Moms have to brush, floss and rinse every day, twice a day for three weeks—a key step in building a strong oral care foundation. We all hear about the importance of regular brushing and flossing for your oral care routine, but rinsing with a therapeutic mouthwash for 30 seconds twice daily, an additional but essential activity, helps reach those other parts of the mouth that harbor germs.

The makers of Listerine and Reach have also teamed up with America's Toothfairy to launch "Trick or Treat for America's Toothfairy," a campaign to raise awareness of pediatric dental disease and help provide life changing care to underserved children. You can visit to learn more. 

Yeah - we brushed and sang "brusha brusha brusha" from Grease and lots of other kids are 10 and 13, but the 10 year old has sensory issues (Asperger's - the gift that keeps on giving) and HATES to brush her teeth.  I've tried for years and even holding her down isn't conducive to good dental habits.  But I digress...

We received Agent Cool Blue, Smart Rinse (whoo - a variety!), smart flossers, toothbrushes, and such neat stuff!
She loved the Barbie swishy stuff (as she calls it) and chose her own "chubby brush" and really liked the "blue goo" that shows on your teeth (pre-rinse) to see where you need to really concentrate on brushing.  Yeah, that lasted for about a week.  Hey, I tried

But it helped some - and it's always great to get things moving.  Kasia and I really got into it and are having a blast with the floss, neato brushes (she got Batman.  I got Batman and Plastic Man!  Remember him?)  So hey - two out of three isn't bad!  

Disclosure: I wrote this review as part of a blog tour by Mom Central on behalf of Listerine and received samples, received a Global Giving gift card, and a gift card as a thank you.  It's me.  I'm real.  And I'll blind you with my smile.  ;P